COVID19 Information

This document is no longer current. COVID19 protocols are no longer in place.

About EGA Classes

Some of the enhanced and strict public health measures that will be in place include:

  • Smaller class group sizes
  • Athletes 6 years old and up (Summer Session only)
  • Additional staff to assist with maintaining physcial distancing requirements and sanitization
  • Daily health screening protocols for athletes and staff
  • Staff will wear Personal Protective Equipment, including face masks, when physical distancing can't be maintained
  • Class attendees are encouraged to wear face masks during activities where it may be difficult to maintain a distance of two metres
  • Class Size & Ages

  • In order to maintain strict social distancing within the facility, we have had to adjust group sizes. We will have 1 certified coach for every 4 Athletes (Parent&Tot/PreSchool) and 6 athletes (Child/Youth/Teen/Tumbling/Advanced)
  • All children must be 6 years of age or older until further notice
  • Registration

  • Class registration will be on a "first come, first served" basis. Space is limited.
  • Payment is required upon registration
  • Registration can be made by online in our Parent Portal, via email ( or by phone (905-726-2001)
  • Families with credits can apply those when registering online
  • Our Front Desk staff are extremely busy but we will get back to you as soon as possible
  • Class Drop Off

  • Anyone feeling unwell should STAY HOME. Please call or send us an email regarding your child’s absence
  • Athletes must wear a mask upon drop off and pickup, in case physical distancing is not possible
  • Athletes will be greeted by an EGA Staff taking attendance, asking Covid-19 screening questions and taking digital temperatures. Temperatures will be taken with our digital thermometer and screening questions will be asked each day. Anyone with a fever over 38 degrees will not be permitted into the gym
  • Parents will sign in and drop off their children. Parents are not permitted into the gym, unless necessary, and a mask must be worn at all times
  • Change rooms are closed, so please come dressed in your gymnastics attire
  • Athletes will enter the gym, place their mask in a plastic bag and put the plastic bag in a labeled bin for their designated group. After, children will wash their hands and join their coach for warm up in the gym
  • Class Pick Up

  • Parents will wait outside in the parking lot and athletes will be released in an orderly fashion – please be on time. Please wear a mask if you are not able to physically distance. If you are going to be late, please email
  • Parents must bring ID to pick up. Please let us know if someone besides a parent is doing pick up either in person or via email (
  • Gym Cleaning

  • Coaches & Athletes: Performing and promoting, frequent proper hand hygiene (including supervising or assisting class participants with hand hygiene). Hand washing using soap and water is recommended over alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) for children. Athletes will be required to wash their hands upon arrival, in between gymnastics events, and as on a needed basis.
  • The Gym: An industrial fogging machine using Vital Oxide (Gymnastics Ontario Recommended) will be used every evening, after hours, when the enter gym will be disinfected that is proven to kill the virus.
  • Bathrooms: Touch points will be cleaned before classes begin and a full clean of floors and toilets will be completed daily
  • Lobby/Front desk: Touch points and surfaces will be wiped down continually during training
  • All cleaners are registered Hospital Grade and approved for COVID19
  • Personal Protective Equipment

  • Athletes & Coaches: At this time, athletes are required to wear a mask upon entering and exiting the building. Masks will not be permitted during training.
  • Social Distancing

  • 6 feet apart markings have been placed outside the facility for the line up/controlled entry to the gym. Inside the gym, they are on the floor in the lobby, gym and the washroom line up. All athletes will be required to stay spaced out on the markers while at their designated station or waiting in line for their turn.
  • Parent Viewing

  • Based on the rules by the Province of Ontario and Gymnastics Ontario, our viewing area will be closed. Parents and guardians will not be permitted to stay until further notice.
  • Spotting & Assistance

  • Drills and progressions will be utilized to ensure safety of skills. Spotting will not be done, unless the coach is wearing a mask and it is deemed necessary.
  • Class Expectations

  • Gymnastics Ontario has mandated all Ontario member clubs to a maximum of 1 athlete per 144 sq./ft in the training area. That is approximately 12,000 sq./ft for us.
  • We are scheduling no more than 50 people in the entire facility at one time.
  • Communication

    Front Desk staff is limited during this time. Should you need to communicate with us, please email or call/leave a message at 905-726-2001

    This will include the following:

  • If you need to pick up your child early or drop off your child late
  • If your child is sick
  • If you have any questions at all!
  • Waiver Acceptance - Prior To Arrival

  • All parents must log on to the EGA Parent Portal online to accept the New Student Policy Agreement terms of our waiver put out by Gymnastics Ontario. Athletes will not be permitted into the gym if this has not been completed prior to training. Here is the link to log on to the Parent Portal. To accept the terms of our waiver, click the green Accept button at the bottom of the page.
  • If you aren't sure which email address to use, send us an email and we can confirm. Should you forget your password to the Parent Portal, click "Forgot Password" to be sent a new one. Please do not create a new account.
  • Gymnastics Ontario Membership & Insurance Fee

  • *Mandatory* All registered athletes for camp or classes must pay $45 for the 20/21 Gymnastics Ontario Membership and Insurance fee.
  • Sibling Discount

  • A 10% sibling discount will be applied for all siblings on class tuition. The discount is applied to the lowest registration cost. Discounts are not applied on Gymnastics Ontario fee.
  • Credits/Refunds

  • Due to COVID-19 and some restrictions that may be put in place, EGA may change the dates or limit the number of children. In this case, if your child is unable to attend, you will receive a full credit in your family's account for future camps, classes or other activities assuming equal value or you may request a full refund.
  • Refunds will not be provided for withdrawal from classes. Family credit will be provided for withdrawal, if necessary.
  • If EGA cancels the classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you will receive a full credit in your family's account for a future camp, class, or activity or we will provide a full refund.
  • Any athlete presenting with COVID-like symptoms before or upon their arrival at the gym will be able to rollover their credit to future classes or camps as they will not be allowed to attend their enrolled session. If space is available and they are symptom free for 14 days they may enroll for a later week.
  • Gymnastics Ontario Insurance & Membership fees are non-refundable.